Dear Pedro:
In response to:
Pedro C. Marijuan wrote:
> Dear fis colleagues,
>.... Jerry's puzzlement about "chemicalities" is easy to solve: I was lumping in
> a short parenthetical expression the Three Mechanics with several branches
> of chemistry and implicitly also with thermodynamics. The relationship
> between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics is rather lawful, but it
> has too many subtilities (eg, time irreversibility!) so I dropped any
> mention of it.
Do you wish to imply that chemical and biochemical systems are
expressible in the same form of mathematics which are used in mechanics?
If so, would this imply that Shannon information would be readily
applicable to biochemical systems?
Not to mention the whole question of genetics...
Nor the role of history in selecting the dynamics of the mechanics...
Received on Mon Mar 01 10:29:09 1999
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