Re: However, 2003 began with good wishes

From: by way of <>
Date: Wed 08 Jan 2003 - 12:48:55 CET

(received from

In a message dated 01/03/03 3:03:05 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

2003 began with good wishes,
expressed by millions of people,
but without
>recognizing that planning,

Hi elohim
I would just like to emphasize the role of interactions. Remember that
because our language by design thinks in terms of things, we are thereby
led to really believe in these things, as if they were really real. But
systemics is about the interactionings that are happening in the present
Now. Can anything that isn't happening now be considered real?

I think that once we put the situation in terms of interactionings, and
that means mutual interactions, the falsehoods of what has been said will
become obvious.
Systems can be self correcting. Call it positive or negative feedback if
you want, because there is a relationship between the members of the
system, the system emergents can evolve efficiently.

Until the sides come together, there will be no interaction to be corrected...

I know there is a BIG system at work here, call it whatever you want.
Because systems integrate rather than add, clearly systems will integrate
together until finally there is but one WHOLE system. There is already one
whole system. At the very beginning there was One WHOLE which divided
systemically. The Universe found one way that would work, and has been
using that one way and variations of it ever since and look we are the
result of that simple act of creativity.
No, let me say it right, that simplest act of creativity.

I think about the wars we have had. The millions of people who have died.
Millions of children from both sides. Why would any "system" allow this?
Some say there is no "system" and we are on our own. If we are, as some
have said, "souls with a body, and not bodies with a soul" then this life
on earth is like a learning experience. Some say that we have to come here
in order to learn. Some have more to learn than others. Maybe the children
that died through no fault of their own didn't have so much to learn. That
would lead to the unsettling conclusion that our life is just a stepping
stone, and when we die, we go back to where we were before we were born,
but on a new level. Unsettling because it would then be clear that those
who die have the advantage...

Received on Wed Jan 8 12:48:53 2003

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