Re: [Fis] A definition of Information

From: Rafael Capurro <>
Date: Mon 01 Mar 2004 - 08:45:40 CET

Dear Soeren,

> When Rafael and others complains that these systems thinking frames
becomes too all-encompassing like dialectical materialism my questions is
then: what is the alternative if not an unreflected metaphysics and
epistemology? Our metaphysics is at least a reflected one, knowing that it
will never be the last word.>

the alternative is of course the *basic* undeterminacy of the "concept" of
Being. This is what allows us to create always new *metaphysics* such as
*cybersemiotics* and to see them AS such, i.e. not to become ideologists. To
put it in Fregean terms: ( ) does something
Being is not a property of beings and it is NOT a sign.
We cannot speak "about" being, only "from it". Wittgenstein put it like
this: "That what we cannot speak from ("wovon"), we must become silent about
it (dar�ber)". But, as much as Frege, Wittgenstein is speaking "von" (from)
Being. Sorry for all this philosophical bla bla...

fis mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 1 17:32:14 2004

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