Re: [Fis] A definition of Information

From: Rafael Capurro <>
Date: Mon 01 Mar 2004 - 08:45:40 CET

Dear Soeren,

> When Rafael and others complains that these systems thinking frames
becomes too all-encompassing like dialectical materialism my questions is
then: what is the alternative if not an unreflected metaphysics and
epistemology? Our metaphysics is at least a reflected one, knowing that it
will never be the last word.>

the alternative is of course the *basic* undeterminacy of the "concept" of
Being. This is what allows us to create always new *metaphysics* such as
*cybersemiotics* and to see them AS such, i.e. not to become ideologists. To
put it in Fregean terms: ( ) does something
Being is not a property of beings and it is NOT a sign.
We cannot speak "about" being, only "from it". Wittgenstein put it like
this: "That what we cannot speak from ("wovon"), we must become silent about
it (darüber)". But, as much as Frege, Wittgenstein is speaking "von" (from)
Being. Sorry for all this philosophical bla bla...

fis mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 1 17:32:14 2004

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