[Fis] Second Announcement

From: Karl Javorszky <javorszky@eunet.at>
Date: Thu 13 Mar 2003 - 11:02:41 CET

Second Announcement: Workshop on Regulation Theory

Regulation Theory discusses the interaction between how / what and when /
where. It makes use of a breakthrough in indexing and category subfields of
number theory. One of the new tools we use is that of MULTIDIMENSIONAL
PARTITIONS: the central concept is that of a MOST PROBABLE STATE OF A
STRUCTURED SET. All this conceptualization evolves from classical number
theory. The potential relevance of these ideas for the community of
theoretical biologists is that, an organism, as far as it lives, is in a
MOST PROBABLE STATE (a physiological state). The tool of multidimensional
partitions allows treating the objects that constitute a set once as a
contemporary and once as a sequenced assembly. We have understood that the
DNA is a sequenced assembly. The intellectual challenge now is to
understand that a cell is a non-sequenced assembly, that is, a fine example
of a multidimensional partition.

The workshop will help to understand that the how (and what ) descriptions
of an object determine some properties of its when (and where)
descriptions. And vice versa, we shall discuss that the when (and where )
descriptions of an object determine some properties of its what (and how )
descriptions. Lastly, we shall investigate how these two restrictions
create interdependences. By this technique, we shall have understood a) how
a double sequence of triplets stores information (and why introns and exons
are necessary, their place and length distributions), b) how information
structures may get packaged and unpackaged (like in the memory).


April 8.-10th, 2003


Vienna, Austria

Contact info:


Karl Javorszky


fis mailing list
Received on Thu Mar 13 10:49:07 2003

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