[Fis] Ethos of Science

From: Pedro C. Marijuán <marijuan@posta.unizar.es>
Date: Fri 04 Apr 2003 - 12:58:08 CEST

Dear colleagues,

Some of the ideas below look interesting for future constructive
discussions in our list:

"There are deep similarities between the ethos of science and the project
of international organization. Both are constructs of reason, as expressed,
for example, in international agreements addressing global problems. Both
are engaged in a struggle against forces of unreason that have, at times,
used scientists and their research for destructive purposes. We share the
experimental method; the United Nations, after all, is an experiment in
human cooperation. And both strive to give expression to universal truths;
for the United Nations, these include the dignity and worth of the human
person and the understanding that even though the world is divided by many
particulars, we are united as a single human community..."

It is Kofi Annan, writing in Science, 7 March 2003 (p. 1485)

The 'world order' problem implies further aspects --international justice
and intercultural moral, above all-- where an informational point of view
could be meaningful. I think we should attempt that discussion in future
times. Few will disagree that lacking an efficient body of justice at the
international level and lacking a basic moral code shared throughout all
religions and cultures, implies, for our 'global civilization', a very
difficult prospect...


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Received on Fri Apr 4 12:43:10 2003

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