[Fis] Meaning of music?

From: Luis Serra <serra@unizar.es>
Date: Fri 06 Feb 2004 - 14:03:38 CET

Dear FISers,

Last postings, that have dealt with the very difficult and interesting topic of meaning (even the meaning of meaning has been questioned and analyzed), have reminded me the discussion about music and information, in which, if I am not wrong, Juan G. Roederer made the question "what is music?"
Of course, the context and central topic of that discussion was very different, but at least in my modest opinion it is connected with the present discussion.
I would appreciate a lot to know your opinions about the meaning of music.

Is it correct to say that music as a form of communication has a meaning?
And what about other forms of art (painting, sculpture, poetry...)?

Given that we have some FIS colleagues from Arts and Humanities fields and/or very close to them,  I would appreciate a lot that they share with us their perspective.  Maybe this issue could provide a bridge of formal connection between science and humanities... don't you think?

Best regards,


Received on Fri Feb 6 14:07:01 2004

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