Re: [Fis] Re: What is the definition of information ?

Re: [Fis] Re: What is the definition of information ?

From: Guy A. Hoelzer <>
Date: Thu 01 Sep 2005 - 19:15:59 CEST

Dear Steven,

On Sep 1, 2005, at 9:46 AM, Steven Ericsson Zenith wrote:

> The argument that information is the "difference that makes a
> difference" - which has been especially popular in recent years -
> troubles me. It requires either a blending of discernment that I
> simply cannot accept at this level, or it fails to describe the
> zero sum game.
> Nor can I accept the argument given here that data is information -
> I think you are confusing two distinct things.

Can you please explain further? Which two distinct things does this
view confuse or confound? Ironically, I think that defining
information simply as the existence of pattern disentangles distinct
elements that are (unfortunately, IMHO) confounded in the traditional
definitions of information that involve interpretation on the part of
an observer.

> >From my point of view, there is "state" - and one might describe
> state and call the description "data." In any system of states then
> "information" is the difference between any two - and one might use
> descriptions of these states (datum) and a system of logic to
> reason about the difference. A collection of such differences then
> allows us to consider "patterns of information."
> Neither "state," "information" nor "patterns" in these definitions
> require any complexity to be involved in an interpretation - a
> mechanical interpretation is sufficient.
> "Recognition" (as opposed to "comparison") is a process of
> complexity - involving motile transformations in organisms.
> Complexity requires the introduction of additional concepts.


Guy Hoelzer
Department of Biology
University of Nevada Reno
Reno, NV 89557

Phone: 775-784-4860
Fax: 775-784-1302
Received on Thu Sep 1 19:15:12 2005

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