At 05:50 PM 15/05/02, Shu-Kun wrote:
>Dear FISers,
>Lewis' remark that "gain of entropy means loss of information"
>defines the relationship of entropy and information. If I can convert
>to S, then a quantity L=I+S should be conserved. I used L to remember
>I thought a lot along this line (see my recent writing at the
> file). I am
>pretty sure that all L, I and S are state functions. In thermodynamics
>and in physics in general, they can be simply defined as
>L=E/T, I=G/T, where E is total energy and G is
>a potential energy, if a temperature can be formally ever defined.
>In many cases, temperature may not be defined, L, I and S can also
>be defined. That's why L, I and S can be applied to area other than physics.
>Under what conditions L is conserved if ever? Any comments?
David Layzer proposed a conservation rule that the sum of the microinformation
and macroinformation (basically entropy and negentropy) is conserved
for a physical system that is isolated. This is basically to say that
Smax is a constant. Since the order of removing constraints does
not affect the final entropy, we can think of Smax as the state in
which all internal structure (and organization) has degraded.
On the other hand, as Peter Landsberg, Paul Davies, Steven
Fraustchi and Layzer himself have all observed, Smax increases
with the expansion of the universe. It also increases, according
to Frautschi, for some branch systems with expanding phase space.
Dr John Collier
Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
Adolf Lorenz Gasse 2 +432-242-32390-19
A-3422 Altenberg Austria Fax: 242-32390-4
Received on Thu May 23 11:33:17 2002
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