Dear Andrei Igamberdiev
You said:
However a significant part of the discussion is rotating
> around the old question what comes first, mind or matter. Is there
> information in non-living physical world or not, etc. etc.
I would say: this is exactly NOT the question. We should not discuss if matter comes first or mind. First of all because the concept of "mind" is strictly related to human conscience. And second, because this is the old "dialogue" between Hegel and Marx: what comes first: idea or matter?
What we are saying is that matter and energy always comes together. What changes is the QUALITY of the relation matter- energy.
Actually astrophysics discusses the validity of the big bang theory, because singularities are not anymore "en vogue". This is obvious, because the idea of a singularity corresponds to the classical paradigm of creation.
What I mean: the discussion about the concept of information must be completely dissociated from concepts like mind, conscience; understanding, etc.
Information is a "product" of the interaction between energy and matter!!
Since the beginning of our limited understanding about the evolution of the universe, we have to admit that energy and matter has always been linked to each other.
More complex a system, more complex the material organization and its corresponding energy field. At the level of humans, our material organization has a corresponding complexity of its energy field, what we call "mind" or whatever.
But let's stop to think that we are the absolute last step of universal evolution.
We think that our question is not if information existed before the emergence of life at this (maybe completely insignificant) planet we call earth (this seems to be a very anthropocentric view) but:
1.. What is information in its relation to energy and matter
2.. How the relation energy-matter-information changed through evolution.
Best regards
Received on Sat May 25 22:26:30 2002
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