Re: [Fis] The Molecule as Text (New Session)

Re: [Fis] The Molecule as Text (New Session)

From: Stanley N. Salthe <>
Date: Mon 14 Nov 2005 - 23:24:55 CET

Ted said --

>This point is so important! Let me refer to arguments in my presentations
>ECAP 2005, and FIS 2005. I argued that as a consequence of the peculiar
>"embodiment" of the biomolecular agents (enzymes), in the study of their
>function we have to pay attention not only to the strictly functional
>‘what’ dictated in the active site of the enzyme,
     SS: Does this refer to what reaction occurs (a formal cause), or to
what the reaction occurs to (a material cause)?

>but also to a series of accompanying processes distributed over different
>parts of the molecular structure, which may include: modulation by
>effectors, intracellular transportation, permanent (post-translational)
>modification, formation of complexes, the time-frames derived from
>transcription and translation, and finally degradation. So the ‘what’ of
>the functional clause should be accompanied by circumstances such as ‘how
>fast’, ‘where’
     SS: 'Where' would be a generated by both formal and material causes
together, setting a locale

>, ‘which way’,
     SS: involves final cause along with formality

> ‘with whom’,
     SS: another aspect of material cause

     SS: Efficient cause

>and ‘how long’.
     SS: Interestingly, this is not covered in the Aristotelian causal system.


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Received on Tue Nov 15 08:52:24 2005

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