Re: Fw: [Fis] "The fiction of function".

Re: Fw: [Fis] "The fiction of function".

From: James N Rose <>
Date: Sat 08 Oct 2005 - 18:53:30 CEST

Following up on Igor's cautionary remarks with which I fully agree.

Let me cite an example situation.

The latest optics art is 2D. When looking at them with
standard binocular eye comfort some random pattern 'noise'
image is there. When looked at with non-typical binocular
eye arrangement, a 'hidden' image is observable.

So .. how does one evaluate let alone identify the
'information' "content" of a system, when part of the
situation relies upon the extraction or information
access ability of an extraneous system involved or interacting
with the base system being evaluated. ?

Jamie Rose

fis mailing list
Received on Sat Oct 8 18:54:29 2005

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