Dear Werner, Loet and colleagues,
I hope I don�t seem merely argumentative. It�s not my intention to keep
saying the same thing over and over until no one else is willing to
rebut my assertions. The ideas we�re discussing are most significant to
me because, among other things, they play a crucial role in calculations
I�m completing on the entropy cost of information processing in
Szilard�s engine. I hope to be able to determine, definitively, the
entropy cost of manipulating individual information bits.
So, I�d like to sustain those claims I continue to believe are
scientifically valid and truly important. I�m not looking for agreement
with all my colleagues, but, rather, the good science of agreement with
physical reality. And, I welcome the informed and considered criticism
of everyone who disagrees.
In that light, I think the most important question is whether Shannon
entropy (as Shannon derived and understood it, not simply as that term
may be used in each research investigation) is the same thing as
physical (thermodynamic) entropy. I understand that many in this forum
would answer this question with a no. Werner, you�ve written that
Shannon entropy and Boltzmann�s physical entropy are �not completely
separated, but related.�
Shannon co-wrote a book with Warren Weaver a year after publication of
his famous equation derivation. It�s called �The Mathematical Theory of
Communication� (University of Illinois Press, Chicago, 1949). Weaver
writes that �The quantity which uniquely meets the natural requirements
that one sets up for �information� turns out to be exactly that which is
known in thermodynamics as entropy....That information be measured by
entropy, is, after all, natural when we remember that information, in
communication theory, is associated with the amount of freedom of choice
we have in constructing messages.� (pp. 12-13). Weaver tells us that
this information is modeled by Shannon�s infamous equation, H = - Sum p
log (p) (page 14).
I previously cited Grandy�s resource letter (Am. J. Phys. 65, 6, 1997,
p. 466). He tells us that the �rigorous connection of information theory
to physics� is due to Jaynes (Phys. Rev. A 106, 1957, p. 620) who showed
that S (physical entropy) �measures the amount of information about the
microstate conveyed by data on macroscopic thermodynamic variables,�
where S is the �experimental entropy of Clausius. Quantum mechanically
one employs the density matrix rho and von Neumann�s form of the
entropy� (p. 469).
I�ve continued to maintain in this forum Landauer�s contention that
information is physical ( Landauer, Phys. Today, May 1991, Landauer,
Phys. Lett. A, 217, 1996, p. 188. Sorry, Aleks, I had thought these
publications were decades earlier.) Other authors have made the same
argument. And, if it�s true that information is physical, then Shannon,
obviously, was deriving an equation for something physical. I�ve
previously quoted Shannon here in this forum: �We wish to consider
certain general problems involving communication systems. To do this it
is first necessary to represent the various elements involved as
mathematical entities, suitably idealized from their physical
I know it�s a repeat of a repeat, but I think the distinction between
the thing being described (the thing itself, whether the energy of a
physical particle or, say, the idiosyncratic behavior of some species of
bird, or Shannon entropy), and the mathematical model of that thing, is
an essential distinction to maintain. As Michel has said, we all seem to
be able to recognize that difference. Would you disagree, Werner? You
write that Shannon entropy is truly pure mathematics, that �it is a
mathematical expression which can be applied to many systems having
probability distributions.� (I emphasize the word �entropy�, as opposed
to �equation�, or �mathematical expression�.) Perhaps you don�t permit a
difference between Shannon�s equation and Shannon entropy, Werner.
As an analogy, energy is a measurable property of tangible objects, and
is not the same thing as the mathematical formula which describes
kinetic energy or electrical energy, etc. (We physicists cringe when
�New-Age Astrologers�, for example, predict the heightened energy of
personal relationships that must result from the conjunction of Venus
and Mars in Virgo. We don�t permit the word energy with that meaning in
science. I believe that restriction is entirely worthwhile within our
own scientific disciplines because it fosters precise understanding of
the concept, which can then be modeled mathematically.)
I understand, Loet, that �Shannon�s formula is a mathematical expression
that is formally similar to the Boltzmann equation.� But, as Shannon and
Weaver, and Jaynes, and Landauer have shown us, Shannon entropy is the
same physical thing as thermodynamic entropy. So, with Shannon�s
entropy, anyway, I don�t agree that �the reference to a physical system
is possible, but not necessary.�
And, if Shannon entropy is actually physical entropy then it must obey
the Second Law of Thermodynamics. If it�s not increasing monotonically
with increasing N, it��s not really Shannon entropy. And if won�t
satisfy the monotonically increasing postulate that Shannon imposed on
his derivation.
Is it perhaps dogmatic, Loet, to insist that Shannon entropy is what
Shannon said it was? I believe restriction to that meaning avoids
confusion in our research. To my mind, �Shannon entropy� is a technical
term, just like energy, or cell mitosis. And we promote understanding,
rather than confusion, by calling something Shannon entropy only if it
means what Shannon meant. That was my point in arguing that a Devereux
theory, or a Leydesdorff theory, ought to be what you or I have stated
our own theory to be. My feeling is that we ought to label it with a
different name if it isn�t actually the author�s meaning we intend by
that name.
You�ve written, Werner, that �applying Shannon�s formula to physical
systems not necessarily gives thermodynamic entropy�. I think that can
be a confusing problem if one labels the property of that physical
system Shannon entropy. Simply employing Shannon�s formula on the system
does not guarantee that the property being modeled is Shannon entropy.
That�s one of the arguments I was trying to defend in recent postings.
You said �there are applications to physical systems....which lead to
some entropy but not to the measurable thermodynamic entropy.� And I
suggest, as scientists, we never call that thing Shannon entropy.
I�m grateful for the comments which prompt me to reconsider, and,
hopefully, further understand these important concepts.
Michael Devereux
fis mailing list
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