
From: <marijuan@posta.unizar.es>
Date: Tue 11 Jun 2002 - 10:39:24 CEST

Dear colleagues,

Let me get ahead in the themes raised trying to respond to Peter's Q2.

Thinking on information (communication) as 'abduction by a limited subject'
may initially look a hapless story, but not necessarily. There is a series
of theoretical efforts (eg, late Varela, Gibson's affordances, Bateson,
Spencer Brown's laws of form) that more or less would connect with this
line--I do not imply an excessive agreement of mine with some other ideas
from those authors.

Besides, Karl's conceptualizations on info could be used to describe how
the observer may build categories upon the fragmentary contents of its
percepts. Even more, the perceptual attempt to superimpose an optimized
constructive strategy upon the raw sensory data may be detected by very
curious formal reliances pointing out in the same direction: the crucial
logaritmic law between stimuli and sensibility, the pervasive presence of
the golden mean in esthetics, George Miller's seven cognitive items, the
seven basic colors, seven musical notes...

Formally we could explore the above constructivist ideas by symmetry means:
remember Jim's and Ted's postings on Leyton tools based on symmetry
primitives. But as said, I would favor the exploration by Karl´s
multidimensional partitions, because its final development might constitute
sort of a dual (info) approach that would intertwine and enrich the already
well developed symmetry path.

In any case, there is a very intriguing formal convergence (remember the
power laws 'cannon' in other postings of mine, and Andrei's perfection
principles) that indeed we have to explore --molecular recognition and
'languages of cells' would be included.


Received on Tue Jun 11 10:40:58 2002

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