[Fis] information/complexity limits

[Fis] information/complexity limits

From: Pedro Marijuan <marijuan@unizar.es>
Date: Fri 26 Jan 2007 - 14:38:38 CET

Dear FIS colleagues,

In Nature 444, 9 Nov. 2006, there is an experimental paper on "quantum
limits to heat flow" and also to electronic current. It is quite
interesting that the editorial comments by the Journal relate to maximum
information content and foundations of information physics (p. 161).
Seemingly, the expression of this "informational" limit would be quite
similar for electrons, phonons, photons, gravitons...

Am sure that incorrectly, but it has given me room to further speculate
that information as "distinction on the adjacent" should be always caught
under topological/dimensional limits of adjacency, irrespective that time
extension (in a non non-Markovian subject) and space extension through
specialized "channels" may increase the distinctional capability. As Karl
as put very often in this list (irrespective of my procedural
disagreements), distinctions also run into an inherent "logical" limit,
measured by multidimensional partitions. Does the above, empirical
limitation pay tribute, somehow, to the previous logical one?

Maybe the topic also relates to the current discussion on social
complexity. Couldn't we argue that the effort to overcome the complexity
limits of the individual regarding the connection with the whole group is
also at the roots of most of institutional/technical communicational
evolution, in any society? The research on social networks today pays a
lot of attention to this type of limitation phenomena, e.g., how many bonds
and of which types can be created, maintained, etc. by the individual --or
by enterprises.

best greetings,


fis mailing list
Received on Fri Jan 26 14:27:43 2007

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