[Fis] QI questions[Fis] QI questions
From: Michel Petitjean <ptitjean@itodys.jussieu.fr>
Date: Tue 16 May 2006 - 14:42:17 CEST
To: fis@listas.unizar.es
Dear Andrei and Jonathan,
Thanks for this very interesting introductory text.
The matrix QSTATE:
Are there other conditions to be satisfied by the matrix QSTATE
Apart for electrons, does the QI model is indeed assumed to work for
Having two correlated r.v. X1 and X2, the observations of X1
Could we say that the entanglement of two particles reduces to the fact
Michel Petitjean, Email: petitjean@itodys.jussieu.fr
>From: Andrei Khrennikov <Andrei.Khrennikov@vxu.se>
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