Re: NYAS issues

From: <>
Date: Mon 11 Feb 2002 - 18:58:47 CET


Thanks for the information. I will check them out.

Two other New York Academy of Sciences Volumes may be of interest to
this group:

# 879, Tempos in Science and Nature: Structures, Relations and Complexity.

# 901, Closure, Emergent Organizations and their Dynamics.

Both volumes include a wide range of essays on topics relevant to
biological communications theory.



>On books:
>The New York Ac. Ssci. informs about the just launched Annals Online site
>at --the whole contents will be free until June 30;
>after that, access to the full text will be limited to library subscribers
>and Academy members.
>I strongly recommend having a glance at issues:
>929, may 20001. Cajal & Consciousness (the conference we had in Zaragoza)
>930, Biological Foundations of Music
>935, Unity of Knowledge.
>these three issues are full of great essays and big names dealing with very
>exciting info topics...
>Pedro C. Marijuán
>Fundación CIRCE
>CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain
>TEL. (34) 976 762036-761863, FAX (34) 976 732078
Received on Mon Feb 11 18:58:03 2002

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