This message is the first part of three, following the suggestion
that every message must be relatively short in order to facilitate
its acceptance.
Two months ago Andy Hilgartner <> sent a message to
bertalanffy-list saying "I don't see significant numbers of people
discussing what I regard as the key issue posed by the obsession of
Mr. Bush and his cabal with annihilating the Iraqi people.
So I wrote a little essay of my own, telling how it looks to
His essay (°) in my view confirms that most humans (comprised several
researchers, experts and scholars engaged in dealing scientifically
with systems, cybernetics, information, organization and human
nature) have been unable to develop the necessary abilities for
recognizing holistically the causality of the problems that are
seriously disrupting the perspective of humankind. A perspective that
might be considered by definition as an humanitarian one, therefore
ethically, ethologically, biologically and ecologically oriented
Learning to approach holistically the surrounding reality - as A.
Hilgartner has shown in his essay - is an ability that everyone must
learn on his or her own, trying to avoid being distracted and even
deviated by particular details and even by symptoms of what can be
considered the serious illness that suffers humankind. It seems that
inevitably the scientific community as a whole, being excepted only
individual endeavors, has not yet been able to recognize how the
scientific research is usually dealing with fragments of the reality
in order to pragmatically produce profitable technological and
methodological innovations. Those that are considered worthy if they
are oriented by the kind of investments and business that prevail in
practice all over the world
Therefore the big question for the humans willing to increase the
survival chances of our species might be: How might we encourage
ourselves to comprehend holistically (*) the problems that are
disrupting the social, economic and cultural possibilities of the
human societies?
(*) to recognize clearly the forest before trying to cure one or
another of the infected trees
(*) to employ the TOP ==> Down approach for learning to comprehend
the question to deal with, being it identifies as an open system = a
system that must take care of its environment.
The answer is an urgent requirement indispensable for trying to save
the human life from the man-made apocalypse that has been de facto
rationally organized - through narrow minded and short sighted
assumptions - by arrogant humans surrounded by opportunistic
accomplices and not few resigned scientists motivated exclusively to
get some additional funds offered for the progress of obedient,
disciplined and adaptable humans who must dogmatically believe in the
magical powers of pre-emptive wars (*) and free marketing (#)
(*) those organized nowadays by means of terrorism supported by super
technologically modernized weapons in order to assure a humanitarian
and effective genocide that might help to reduce faster the number of
complaining and useless individuals = people who are already
unemployed (and also their relatives)
(#) trade that will increase the economic power of those who are
willing courageously to train themselves as compassionate
philanthropists, though not immediately as proper (?) circumstances
must be created in advance
(°) the second part of this message will be posted later.
Received on Fri Apr 18 20:31:17 2003
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