[Fis] I do not find the objectivity of music

From: elohimjl <elohimjl@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Mon 02 Jun 2003 - 00:53:46 CEST

Some first questions related to specific music as information

May I assume that when listening «für Elisa» I am involved in the
transference of certain information?

Would it necessarily be the same information when I have the chance
of hearing the interpretation of either Claudio Arrau or Friedrich

Would it be always the same when listening the 'message' instead of
simply hearing it?

Would it unavoidably be the same information when I choose to listen
it in the morning as a message for waking up or when hearing it at
night when I am willing to relax before going to bed?

Would it inevitably be invariably the same information involved when
I play the role of listener or when I try to play and interpret the
notes written by Ludwig von Beethoven.

We shall never know what information intended Beethoven to
communicate when he composed it. Shouldn't we care about his
intentions, under the assumption that it is always the same

How may I distinguish the information concerned when listening
«Gymnopédies»? Erik Satie never could imagine what would be my
reaction to his message interpreted by Klara Körmendi.
Received on Sun Jun 1 23:58:16 2003

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