From: Pedro C. Marijuan <>
Date: Tue 15 Dec 1998 - 13:58:05 CET

Dear fisers,

The socioinfo part seems to be over. We have had a really lively exchange
of views, and intriguing connections have been made between concepts
apparently very far apart. The usefulness of these discussions will be
pretty clear in the long term. Particular thanks are due to Bob Artiguiani,
for his thought provoking VEMS topic, and for his elaborated responses.

As for the calendar, we could follow something like that:

As we did last year, during the vacation time we can keep the net open to
any free messages or discussions.

Around the middle of January, we could ressume the global, phylosophically
oriented discussion that was claimed months ago. The philosophers of our
group would lead and moderate the session. If it is similar to the ones we
have had, it would last 2-3 months.

* OPEN SESSIONS, could follow, organized and moderated by any member of the
list about any topic of interest. (for practical purposes and in order to
avoid collisions, sessions should be anounced with some anticipation to
this administrator--but they will be freely organized by anyone in our


This proposal, that we are maturing with Wolfang and Reinhard, means that
every list member would have his/her own space in the www fis pages. It
could include a brief curriculum and main research interests, a list of
publications, and also a few complete papers (or perhaps works in
progress, in order to avoid copy right problems). The plan is to inaugurate
it with a short biographical note about GORDON SCARROTT, including a link
to his paper to appear in Cyb. & Human Knowledge Journal. As soon as the
details are available, I will let you know.

Season's greetings --Felices Fiestas
from Zaragoza


Pedro C. Marijuan. TEL 34 976 761927, FAX --761861 and -- 762111
Dept. Ingen. Electronica y Comunicaciones, CPS Universidad de Zaragoza,
Maria de Luna 3, Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Thu Jan 07 10:22:10 1999

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