RE: [Fis] CONSILIENCE: When separate inductions jump together

From: Pedro C. Mariju�n <>
Date: Wed 29 Sep 2004 - 14:31:29 CEST

Dear colleagues,

There are quite a few directions open --- and I have just a very brief
comment: starting in the 'marvelous decade' that Richard mentions (and I
love he has mentioned Margalef, as I spent a couple of years collaborating,
in part with him personally, in his Ecology department, in Barcelona --he
passed away months ago). In that time a very vast inter-multi-trans-pluri
fashionability comes into age; but within a rather narrow vision of the
global scientific enterprise as such... and perhaps inappropriate metaphors
too, eg. the "field" notion applied to disciplines (as space, territory,
'level', etc.). The 'network' produced by Loet is quite intriguing in that
regard. As is the reflection on the neuro--behavioral motifs underlying
logical consilience (I am trying to relate it with the 'motor' approach to
meaning I speculated in past discussions, a la Berthoz).



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Received on Wed Sep 29 13:58:03 2004

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