[Fis] Physical Information

[Fis] Physical Information

From: Karl Javorszky <karl.javorszky@chello.at>
Date: Wed 19 Jul 2006 - 09:48:55 CEST

Michael wrote:
So, according to Landauer, and many scientists who have read his
work, the correspondence of information with the experienced, physical
world is definite.
End Michael.

Unfortunately, Landauer did not follow up his brilliant insight. He says: no
logical relation without objects to represent the logical relation on. ("No
information without representation!")
What he did not say:
We know (by combinatorics) how many logical relations can maximally come
about by using n objects.
We do not know how many objects are minimally needed to find w logical
relations on.

Retranslating in word usage of Michael:
The correspondence of information with the experienced, physical world is a
TWO-WAY correspondence.

After these half-steps will have been met with the customary deep silence we
can progress to the next thought:
As we count back from information into "how many objects make so much
information?", shall we take the objects with a fixed place or any place?

I look forward the enlightened discussion that shall happen at that time.
Until then, nice Summer:

fis mailing list
Received on Wed Jul 19 09:50:12 2006

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