Dear Christophe,
> CM: We can agree, I feel, on the fact that differences per se are not
> part of reality. Only what is measurable is part of reality.
> This implies
> presence of Signal/Information (S/I) and of a system able to receive
> and interpret the S/I.
> Also, linked to some engineering background, I like to
> seperate signal
> (variation of energy: air vibration, presence of ink, ..)
> from information
> (component of the signal: amplitude modulation, shape of the
> ink deposit, ..).
But both the signal and the information are measurable and thus part of
reality in your definition? Albeit that they belong to different
domains, isn't it?
> CM: Yes. But again, difference per se do not exist (see 1).
> And consequently,
> we need to speak explicitly about S/I from the beginning.
Difference, however, is measurable and therefore part of reality
according to your above definition? Otherwise, reality exists only of
billiard balls. Since Newton we consider the observable stability as the
result of action and reaction. Reality can be considered to be more
dynamic like force, action, etc. Difference exists from this perspective
because it is measurable. Otherwise, one would only be able to measure
the fingerprints of reality.
> CM: This is the perhaps the point where, in your approach, meaningful
> information can be differentiated from meaningless information.
> Meaningful information exists to intiate an action that will satisfy
> the constraint of the system. Potential information would be
> meaningless
> information, and information that causes something would be
> meaningful information. Would you agree ?
Would meaningless information (e.g., noise) not exist?
With kind regards,
Loet Leydesdorff
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-20- 525 3681
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