Session at INSC 2003

From: Christian Fuchs <>
Date: Wed 16 Oct 2002 - 20:53:20 CEST

  Dear colleagues,

  The "International Nonlinear Sciences Conference
  Research and Applications in the Life Sciences 2003" will take place
  on February 7th-9th, 2003 in Vienna (keynote speakers: Hermann Haken, Jack
  Cohen, Tönu Puu).

  For details on the conference see

  There will be a session on "Foundations of Self-Organisation" at the conference (see the abstract that Wolfgang Hofkirchner and I submitted below). If someone wants to participate in it, please send me an abstract of a contribution per e-mail
  until Friday, October 18th containing: title, author, affiliation (address), abstract (250 word limit), contact information, four keywords.

  I will submit the abstracts I receive altogether.

  If you know other people who would like to join, please forward them this

  Please let me know if you are interested.

  Christian Fuchs

  Details on the Session:
  Title: Foundations of Self-Organisation
  Description: Since the sixties and the seventies, the disciplines of science
  have been increasingly focussing on self-organisation and complexity
  studies. Although interdisciplinarity is one of the main characteristics of
  self-organisation theory, the approaches are rather scattered and a unified
  theory of self-organisation remains to be established. The aim of this
  session is to explore foundations of such a yet-to-be-developed unification.
  Topics to be covered in this session include:
  *the exploration of the philosophical relationship of self-organisation
  theory and classical, modern and postmodern philosophy
  *the relationship of information and self-organisation
  *differences and similarities between physical, biological and social

  Christian Fuchs
  Institute for Design and Technology Assessment
  Vienna University of Technology
  Favoritenstr. 9-11
  A-1040 Vienna
  Tel. ++43/1/5880118734
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Received on Wed Oct 16 20:53:36 2002

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