From: James Johnson <James-Johnson@nyc.rr.com>
Date: Tue 19 Dec 2006 - 20:27:57 CET
I thought people would like to know about Michael Leyton's
The Structure of Paintings
Michael Leyton has developed new foundations for geometry in which
shape is equivalent to memory storage. A principal argument of
these foundations is that artworks are maximal memory stores.
At the basis of this geometry are Leyton's fundamental laws of
memory storage, and these laws are shown to determine the
structure of artworks. That is, the central argument is that
artworks are structured so that they allow the maximal
extraction of stored memory. Furthermore, the book demonstates
that the emotion expressed by an artwork is actually the memory
extracted by the laws. Therefore, the laws of memory storage
allow the systematic and rigorous mapping not only of the
compositional structure of an artwork, but also of its emotional
expression. This fundamentally opposes the view that the
emotional expression of an artwork is undefinable. Leyton's
methodology makes the structure and emotional content of
an artwork fully definable, rich, systematic and complete.
The argument is supported with detailed analyses of paintings by
Picasso, Raphael, C�zanne, Gauguin, Modigliani, Ingres,
De Kooning, Memling, Balthus and Holbein.
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