Re: [Fis] A definition of Information (II)

From: S�ren Brier <>
Date: Fri 27 Feb 2004 - 18:34:06 CET

Dear Stan

Then I did get it right the first time. My question is again how this
view fit with being a pan semiotician and how you see it fitting with a
Peircean semiotic evolutionary philosophy. In other words where is mind
and meaning? I presume that when you talk of energy you are using
standard physical language. So how does energy, information and
semiotics fit together in a theory of FIS in your framework. Do you have
a coherent and internal consistent theory developed?

"Stanley N. Salthe" wrote:
> Replying again to S�ren:
> First, as a model of the inteneional complexity of the world, the
> specification hierarchy; {physical world {material world {biological world
> {{{etc.}}} shows that energy is the primary, and primal, stuff in the
> world, out of which all else comes. So it is in the most general category.
> The material world generates friction and delay = entropy, and so entropy
> is not as foundational as energy, as we can see by {energy {entropy
> {{{etc.}}}. But entropy would be foundational with respect to biology
> because the informtional constraints found in genetic information are
> historocal in origin, and history is just a record of the results of
> friction and delays. So: {energy {entropy {history {etc}}}. The etc. here
> could be read as human cultural discourse. This could be summarized as
> 'story telling'. Then we would have {energy {entropy {history {story
> telling}}}}.

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Received on Fri Feb 27 18:37:40 2004

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