RE: info & physics

From: <>
Date: Tue 14 May 2002 - 10:59:35 CEST

Dear Pedro and Colleagues,

Just a brief note about the physical background of information. I think it
is important to consider the possibilities of world's physical structure
which makes information transfer possible. As well as the physical structure
does make it possible the existence of atoms, of life and consciousness. But
in general this is quite far from the physicalist views. Also I would note
that information is not simply a selection (otherwise it would be a truism
that has no information) but it is a message about making selection. The
result of this selection is implicitly contained in the information by which
a selection occurs (that is why information possesses a feature of
'anamnesis' (following Socrates and Plato): knowledge is a 'remembrance' of
a canon of perfection).

Best regards
Andrei Igamberdiev
Received on Tue May 14 10:02:28 2002

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