Dear Colleagues:
The AAAS lecture series on Science and Religion begins shortly - on =
Thursday, Sept. 13, 2001. Ms. Sypura asked that the information be =
distributed to interested parties.
The schedule for the coming year is copied below.
For further information, see the web site:
Future Seminars
In the past six months, DoSER has held a number of public seminars and =
receptions highlighting significant work in the field of Science and =
Religion. Topics have ranged from Inheritable Genetic Modifications to =
Artificial Intelligence. In each seminar, the keynote speaker's =
presentations have been followed by responses from one or more scholars =
(scientists, ethicists, or theologians) familiar with the topic. Ample =
time has also been provided for the speakers to address comments and =
questions from audience members. DoSER will continue these seminars in =
the Fall following a similar format with other important topics in the =
area of Science and Religion. At present, the following seminars have =
been scheduled for the Fall and Spring Season.=20
Confirmed Speakers and Titles=20
Sept. 13 Science, Religion and the Origin of Life
Dr. Robert Hazen, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of =
Dr. Jack Haught, Department of Theology, Georgetown University
Oct. 25 The Cloning of Mammals: What are the problems?
Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch, Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of =
Dr. Ronald Cole-Turner, Professor of Theology and Ethics, Pittsburgh =
Theological Seminary=20
Nov. 29 Cosmology and Kabbalah
Dr. Joel Primack, Department of Physics, University of California, =
Santa Cruz=20
Rabbi Lawrence Kushner, Rabbi-in-Residence at Hebrew Union =
College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Jan. Genetic Modification of Foods
Dr. Donald Bruce, Director of the Society, Religion and Technology =
Project of the Church of Scotland
Feb. Neuroscience and Religion
Dr. Andrew Newberg, Department of Radiology, University of =
Pennsylvania Hospital
Dr. Ilia Delio, Assistant Professor of Ecclesiastical History, =
Washington Theological Union
March 7 Ethical Issues Arising from the Study of the Human Genome=20
Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Human Genome Research =
Dr. Cynthia Cohen, Kennedy Center for Ethics at Georgetown University
April 11 Avoiding the Sixth Major Extinction, Why It Matters
Dr. Peter Raven, Director, Missouri Botanical Garden; Department of =
Biology, Washington University
Dr. Larry Rasmussen, Union Theological Seminary
May 28 Evolution of the Extraordinary in Human Life
Dr. Richard Potts, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian =
June To be announced
Received on Mon Sep 17 09:41:12 2001
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