Re: neuro: and what else

From: John Collier <>
Date: Thu 13 Apr 2000 - 19:01:23 CEST

<x-flowed>At 02:18 PM 13/04/00 +0200, you wrote:

> >In 1988 I did a search on Biological Abstracts for information, entropy,
> >and information and entropy. I got several hundred for the first, about 70
> >for the second, and 40 or so for the combination. I looked at the abstracts,
> >and in all but two cases the use of "information" or "entropy" was
> gratuitous,
> >i.e., the abstract would not have lost any content had they been deleted.
>I find your search quite an interesting practical case. Did you prepare any
>type of publication about this?

No, it was just for my own curiosity. Of course the results are dated
by now. I assume that a similar study could be done on recent abstracts.

Actually, I started the search because of a genuine interest in work
connecting information and entropy. Then I turned to the more
careful evaluation of the abstracts. It was quite disappointing,


John Collier
Department of Philosophy
University of Newcastle, NSW 2308 AUSTRALIA

Received on Fri Apr 14 09:38:09 2000

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