Re: [Fis] mortal buckets

From: Rafael Capurro <>
Date: Fri 02 Jan 2004 - 15:34:07 CET

Dear Koichiro,

as usual your dreams are highly informative, at least to me. What about the
bucket we use to call our body? It is astonishing that this bucket is able
to make these kind of distinctions between present tense, present
progressive tense and perfect tense. I am not sure that the water can do
this and also the light with its finite velocity. One answer to this
misterious question about time-in-the-bucket was given by Kant, as you
remarked and in some sense also by the metaphysical tradition for which the
(human) soul what 'somehow everything' (Aristotle's 'he psyche pos panta
estin' later on: 'anima quodammodo omnia'). But indeed the problem is this
little word 'somehow' ('pos', 'quodammodo'). Kant made of time a subjective
presupposition. German Idealism and later on science and philosophy in the
19th and 20th century has questioned this 'subjectivity' that was the
foundation of 'objectivity' not of 'subjectivism'. We are beings-in-time
(and in-place) as Heidegger stated in the sense, that we can make these
differences you speak about and therefore we say that we are not 'just
there' like any other bucket but 'ek-sist' or are distorted and ex-tended
between past, present and future (and can therefore make the distinctions
you mention). But this does not mean that the appearence of phenomena 'in
time' (for which we are 'responsible,' i.e., bein able to give a 'response'
to such appearence) is 'just' our work. In other words, with our 'bucket'
something changes basically in evolution or in the order of 'speculations'
(=mirroring) of things. We are 'strange buckets' also in the sense that we
argue with such differences as you state and at the same time (excuse me for
this pun!) we forget this difference between our bucket and the 'similar'
ones. Or, in case, we are aware of it, we postulate a kind of
'transcendental' bucket (Kants Ding an sich) or even an 'immortal' one. But
to be a mortal bucket and to know about it (in the different senses and
tenses you speak about) makes a difference that we normally only accept
in... our dreams.



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Received on Fri Jan 2 15:36:08 2004

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