Dear Bob and colleagues,
Unfortunately I have not been able to read much in the last messages on
entropy (being caught by ugly bureaucratic burdens), however they have
rekindled and old reflection of mine on "social bonds" as a potential way
to untangle aspects of social complexity ---Calcutta vs. New York, or a
pre-industrial society versus a post-industrial one. What types of humans
bonds do they purport respectively? I mean, the possible conceptualization
of classes of social bonds in a way not too dissimilar from chemical ones
(eg, the different kinds of bonds in biomolecular polymers supporting
cellular organization) might lead to notions of social entropy
growth/decrease with the corresponding correlate of complexity of social
structures. Then, some vague inklings on "ascendancy" in economic networks
might be related with such social structures (an inclusive ascendancy,
perhaps)... If finally some sense emerges, ecological ascendancy could
somehow be represented or taken into account, or interrelated, with the
social measurements of "ascendacy" in such globalized social networks
---and the controversial attempt on evaluation of ecosystems services might
be seen in a new angle.... Sorry if all that sounds too vague and confusing
best regards
fis mailing list
Received on Fri May 6 14:52:53 2005