UNITY through DIVERSITY might be also applicable to INFORMATION (6)

From: elohimjl <elohimjl@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Fri 22 Nov 2002 - 16:58:23 CET

It was indeed pessimistic the message that Stafford Beer expressed in
1993, however the information = knowledge about the global
circumstances that he had in his brain had not hindered him to
continue inventing causal relations about the kind of human actions
that might be structured in order to overcome social, economic and
cultural difficulties. Immediately afterwards the participants to
the WOSC meeting knew another courageous and positive contribution of
him. It intended to build new circumstances for increasing and
reinforcing local autonomies, which are crucial for the
implementation of actions that aim at increasing the feasibility of
local actions that would contribute to create the conditions needed
for a global sustainable development. Such actions require human
beings willing anywhere to learn how to manage intelligently enough
their everyday affairs)

In my view, which certainly could be wrong, today at the dawn of one
conventional 3rd millennium humankind is confronted to the worst
crisis it has ever faced during the civilizing adventure. This crisis
is mainly due to the many simplified ways INFORMATION or KNOWLEDGE of
the terrestrial reality has been structured and has been implemented
for making decisions. These decision have invariably aimed at
maintaining the civilizing trends that have been always determined de
facto by the members of the high society: the highly civilized
individuals who are always searching either how to enjoy better and
better facilities built and maintained by the human resources or how
to organize another warfare in order to increase their power and to
expand their dominions.

Therefore I dare now tentatively to suggest that it would be
convenient to examine deeply and extensively (in the domain of fis)
the need of recognizing:

1. that every human may establish contact with the material
reality located in his or her immediate surroundings exclusively
through several kinds of sensations of the sensible qualities of
those questions that each one had managed to identify holistically

2. that language, though words, offers every human the great
possibility of knowing many facets of the experience accumulated in
many other brains after being peculiarly perceived and bizarrely
interpreted some facets of the surrounding reality that had become
their concern.

3 that words and other signs (all those that had been arranged
as INFORMATION integrated as KNOWLEDGE for making decisions) are
neither material things nor processes nor ideas.

4. that information transferred by means of oral words and/or
written words and signs at best can be only partially certain for a
short while.

5. that any possible knowledge attained about any real phenomena
or subjective circumstances is only an interpretation of the some
aspects of the reality that humans managed to perceive under the
influence or even pressure of ideological bias (comprised the
cultural one)

6. that during millennia most humans have been educated for
being fascinated by one particular meaning assigned to every one of
several words and symbols which have become, in the domain of every
community, cultural truths that should be respected forever.

7. that every human may and perhaps even should learn to use
words and symbols as tools for searching how to improve continuously
one or another perspective of one of the aspects of the reality
perceived or some aspects of the reality interpreted by other humans

8. that the main information that humans need indispensably for
organizing their individual and collective survival is composed by
the arrangement of words that may allow them to comprehend the causal
interactions of real and subjective phenomena happening in
terrestrial environments and also to invent causal interactions of
actions conceived for making a sensible transformation of more and
more terrestrial circumstances located in the homosphere, in the
biosphere and in the ecosphere.

Received on Fri Nov 22 16:59:59 2002

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