[Fis] Re: gravity and symmetry

From: by way of <mburgin@math.ucla.edu>
Date: Thu 06 Mar 2003 - 10:18:47 CET

"Pedro C. Marijuán" wrote:

> Dear FIS colleagues
> Last week I found the following quotation in Lee Smolin (The Life of the
> Cosmos, Oxford 1997, p. 276), which was taken from Roger Penrose:
> "My own view is that ultimately physical laws should find their most
> natural expression in terms of essentially combinatorial principles, that
> is to say in terms of finite processes such as counting... Thus in
> accordance with such a view, should emerge some form of discrete or
> combinatorial spacetime."
> I think it nicely dovetails with discussions we had months ago on
> 'spacetime', and also with the recent comments by Edwina on the
> constructivist use of 'symmetries' --I wonder, should we think, instead, on
> 'infosymmetries'?
> best
> Pedro
> PS. Has anyone read another, more recent work of Smolin on 'quantum

Dear Pedro and FIS colleagues,
I have not read Smolin's book, but you can find find similar issues and much
more in my preprint "How we count or is it possible that two times two is not
equal to four." You can read this preprint at the following address:

Mark Burgin

fis mailing list
Received on Thu Mar 6 10:05:37 2003

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