[Fis] Announcing the 10th session

[Fis] Announcing the 10th session

From: Pedro Marijuan <marijuan@unizar.es>
Date: Tue 28 Feb 2006 - 13:05:01 CET

Dear FISers,

Let us thank Jerry (and Kevin) for the inspired chairing of the
biomolecular session; and let us also thank all the participants. Overall,
we have had a fine session, indeed. It is quite interesting that some of
the themes and responses left pending during last weeks might surface again
during the next session "On Information Ethics" (the kickoff text of which
will be posted around next Friday.) Around the beginning of May we would
start another session "On Quantum Information", at the end of which we
could include the discussions on consciousness commented by John H., Jerry,
and John C.

best regards, ---Pedro

Announcing the 10th FIS Discussion Session:


Chaired by:

Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro
International Center for Information Ethics.
Hochschule der Medien (HdM),
University of Applied Sciences,
Stuttgart, Germany.

Dr. Michael Nagenborg
Applied Ethics & Philosophy
Institute of Philosophy,
University of Karlsruhe,


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Received on Tue Feb 28 12:58:28 2006

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