At 12:16 PM 2006/02/23, John Holgate wrote:
>Hi Jerry,
>Thanks for your excellent moderation.
><we lack a consistent means of quantitatively expressing the
><information content of molecular bionetworks.
>Do you have any comments on the function of 'information' at the
>level of microtubule networks in the brain?
>We might consider Michael Conrad's hierarchical approach and more
>recently the Stuart Hameroff/Ronald Penrose quantum view of
>'information' as an entity 'leaking'
>from microtubules (and in a sense more primary than consciousness
>in Near Death Experiences - can a brain-dead person still have
>But what is actually 'leaked' and how do we measure it? Perhaps
>information itself is in
>a perpetual state of superposition with present progressive mean-ing
>but no perfect sense.
>It seems that information at the chemical level is not only transferred
>but also 'flows in' from the environment - molecules (and individuals)
>just actively 'recognise' - they are continually bombarded by thermal
>Maybe Pedro or John Collier could comment too since it is an
>important debate within consciousness studies and neurobiology.
I actually have lots to say on this, but I don't have very much time
right now. Perhaps later. Perhaps we could have a session on QM and
consciousness, looking at the informational and computational
aspects. It would be nice at least to get clear what is at stake.
Perhaps starting with an introduction on quantum computation using
q-bits would be appropriate.
Professor John Collier
Philosophy and Ethics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041 South Africa
T: +27 (31) 260 3248 / 260 2292 F: +27 (31) 260 3031
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Received on Mon Feb 27 12:05:44 2006