[Fis] Quantum-like probabilities

[Fis] Quantum-like probabilities

From: Michael Devereux <dbar_x@cybermesa.com>
Date: Thu 01 Jun 2006 - 20:39:51 CEST

Dear Andrei,

I envy your attendance at Prof. Laloe�s lecture. I�ve read with profit
some of his work. Even with Aspect�s two polarized photon EPR
experiment, we see correlated physical properties determined
instantaneously over macroscopic distances, don�t we? In that case, the
spin direction of one photon instantly determines spin direction for the
I�ve noticed, though, that it�s only such observer-dependent properties
as direction and spatial extension that are correlated (entangled) by
EPR phenomena. That�s what Einstein called the �spooky action at a
distance� he found so enigmatic. I suppose that the entangled properties
of the Bose-Einstein condensate are, likewise, not Lorentz-invariant
properties, and therefore, wouldn�t be properties that actually defined
the characteristics of each physical object. Again, we don�t find
transmission of any real, physical information as instantaneous energy
transfer through space, do we?
I understand, Andrei, that you�ve found a quantum-like, summation of
complex probability amplitudes for phenomena that are not normally
associated with the quantum world. So, there would be an interference
term characterized by your parameter, lambda, wouldn�t there? For
two-slit interference of a single photon, the interference is caused by
the single photon passing through both slits simultaneously, we believe.
And there is interference between simultaneous spin direction states, in
Aspect�s experiment, as I understand it.
Have you identified the source of the interference term in the
non-quantum phenomena you�ve found, Andrei? I�m wondering whether these
phenomena also display simultaneous values for certain properties, as
quantum phenomena do.
Thanks, Andrei.
Very best wishes,

Michael Devereux

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Received on Thu Jun 1 20:41:55 2006

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