Re: [Fis] Information, autopoiesis, life and semiosis (Part I)

From: Søren Brier <>
Date: Tue 10 Feb 2004 - 16:28:43 CET

Pavel wrote:

Much in the same way, information science can be blamed for being
non-scientific, as principles of information science, and behavior of
information systems, cannot be
derived from thermodynamics. Information science does not directly fall
into a sphere of natural sciences. Does information science destroy a
plot of thermodynamics?
It can be suggested, that at each "layer of abstraction" cognition
occurs by accomplishing the following tasks: (1) identification of
properties and laws of the given layer; (2)
integration of the previous layer as "an aspect" of the given layer, (3)
contribution to the construction of a next layer.
Accordingly, information science may deal with following tasks:
1. identify properties of information and "laws" of natural information
2. integrate thermodynamic aspect of information processes as a part of
information science
If there cannot be an "informational" concept of meaning, then one has
to admit that semiotics builds up a new layer of cognition, to which
information science can only
contribute, but which it is unable to explain fully.
In my opinion, we are faced with following questions, based on what is
1. is there a possibility for a concept that integrates meaning into
information perspective, or is meaning a concept of a "new layer of
2. similarly, is language a "layer of cognition" that cannot be
described and comprehended within the information / semiotics
perspective? (assuming that you speak of natural languages in the
society, and not "language as a code")
If we accept a point of view that there are information processes that
can be attributed only to living systems, and those attributed only to
social systems, then these somehow are distinct. A universal information
theory that is suitable for both molecular reactions and social
interactions by no means is capable to capture perks of the latter - it
can only capture commonalties.

We still have not discussed what the impact is for a science of
information of having to accept level theory. In my opinion it destroys
the idea of information science and forces us into a much bigger

Best wishes Søren Brier
Copenhagen Business School
Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy 
Blågårdsgade 23 B, 3. floor, room 326, DK-2200 Copenhagen N.
Telephone +45 38152208, mail .
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Received on Tue Feb 10 16:30:02 2004

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