Re: [Fis] nail found in Zaragoza

Re: [Fis] nail found in Zaragoza

From: Pedro Marijuan <>
Date: Tue 31 May 2005 - 14:39:18 CEST

Dear colleagues,

Sorry but I will be traveling next days and cannot respond to all those
exciting messages around. Particularly Jerry and Karl have raised aspects
which motivate me a lot... like what Igor has writen below:

At 12:39 31/05/2005, Igor Matutinovic wrote:

>The problem is that mainstream economics (NCE) has no way to deal with
>"nail stories", past and future alike.

who knows whether conceptualizations on social networks, multid.
partitions, ascendancy, exergy & emergy, etc. may provide a gauging system
of "natural" standards against whom the always flickering constructs of
markets might be compared (at least as an orientation!).



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Received on Tue May 31 14:36:38 2005

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