[Fis] Modeling and Simulation Conference

From: Michael Leyton <mleyton@dimacs.rutgers.edu>
Date: Mon 10 May 2004 - 18:03:05 CEST

A number of FIS people might be
interested in the following conference.

Michael Leyton

Call for Papers
2005 International Conference on Human-Computer Interface Advances for
Modeling and Simulation (SIMCHI'05)
Part of the 2005 Western Simulation MultiConference (WesternSim'05)
Sponsored by:
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS)
January 23 - 25, 2005
Wyndham New Orleans at Canal Place Hotel
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Questions of how humans interact with models, along with their simulations
and analyses, have been largely unexplored within Modeling and Simulation
(M&S). While significant studies exist for physical simulators, there
remain a number of issues stemming from new technologies within computing,
media, and the arts. We envisage that human-computer interaction (HCI) will
play an increasingly significant role in the computer simulation area as
HCI technologies increase in variety and decrease in expense.

This conference aims to bring together a diverse set of practitioners from
simulation, computer science, psychology, new media studies, and the arts
to explore new ways in which HCI and simulation can aid each other through
a two-way transference of ideas, methods, and tools.

Sample Topics
     visualization, aural, and tactile methodologies for simulation data,
models, and output analysis
     personalization, customization, and cultural approaches for M&S
     human interaction modalities for M&S: tangible, pervasive and
ubiquitous computing; augmented and virtual reality, aesthetic and
affective computing
     empirical cognitive studies for computer-based M&S environments
     semiotics and representational issues in M&S
     role of aesthetics and emotion in M&S
     applying analogy and metaphor to enhance M&S interfaces
     human interaction methods supporting M&S for new media: computer/video
games and cinematic productions
     using HCI in education and training within M&S environments, virtual

Requirements and deadlines for submission of papers
Original papers are invited for possible publication in topical areas
related to the items listed above. Authors of accepted papers are expected
to attend the conference, present their work to their peers, transfer
copyright, and pay a conference registration fee at the time of submission
of their camera-ready six (6) page paper in PDF form.

The refereeing process for the presentations will be based on full papers.
Papers must not have been previously presented or published, nor currently
submitted for publication. Each manuscript will be subjected to a rigorous
refereeing process. The accepted papers will be published in the SIMCHI'05
proceedings by SCS. The following paper submission guidelines should be
strictly followed:

  1.. Submit electronically a 300-word abstract to the Program Chair, by
June 15, 2004. Abstracts are due to arrive at the address of the Program
Chair as an attachment to an E-mail message (in PDF format).
  2.. A cover sheet should show the title of the paper, the author(s)
name(s) and affiliation(s), and the address of the contacting author
(including e-mail, telephone, and fax) to which the correspondence should
be sent.
  3.. Feedback on the appropriateness of the abstract will be sent by the
General Chair to the contacting authors via e-mail by July 1, 2004.
  4.. Full papers should be electronically submitted in PDF (60 MB limit)
to the SCS Proceedings Central site by September 1, 2004. Papers received
after this date will be considered as long as time and program space
permit. Create an account (Create Account link on the main homepage), and
click on "Get Help Now" link (denoted by the "?" in the upper right corner
of the screen) for a detailed user guide and video help on the submission
process. Please adhere to the SCS Authors' kit guideline on the SCS Home
  5.. Notifications of acceptance status will be sent on or about October
1, 2004.
  6.. Final manuscripts need also to be electronically submitted as a PDF
file to the SCS Proceedings Central site no later than November 1, 2004 to
guarantee inclusion in the Conference Proceedings and in the final program

Important Dates
      Abstract Submission due to the Program Chair June 15, 2004
      Feedback on appropriateness of the abstract by the General Chair
July 1, 2004
      Full Paper Submission September 1, 2004
      Author Notification October 1, 2004
      Camera-ready Copy November 1, 2004

      General Chair Program Chair
      Paul Fishwick
      University of Florida
      CISE Department
      PO Box 116120
      Gainesville, FL 32611
      http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~fishwick Benjamin Lok
      University of Florida
      CISE Department
      PO Box 116120
      Gainesville, FL 32611

International Program Committee
     Bonnie Danette Allen, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
     Osman Balci, Virginia Tech, USA
     Olav Bertelsen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
     Rudolf Darken, MOVES Institute, USA
     Stephan Diehl, Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Germany
     Xianfeng David Gu, University of Florida, USA
     David Hill, Blaise Pascal University, France
     Charles Hughes, University of Central Florida, USA
     Julie Jacko, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
     Clifford Joslyn, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
     Michael Leyton, Rutgers University, USA
     Bowen Loftin, Old Dominion University, USA
     Alke Martens, University of Rostock, Germany
     Michael Macedonia, U.S. Army, STRICOM
     Ernest Page, MITRE Corporation, USA
     Ray Paton, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
     Ray Paul, Brunel University, United Kingdom
     Michael Pidd, University of Lancaster, United Kingdom
     Jane Prophet, University of Westminster, United Kingdom
     Sandy Ressler, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
     Stewart Robinson, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
     Jannick Rolland, University of Central Florida, USA
     Larry Rosenblum, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
     Helena Szczerbicka, University of Hannover, Germany
     Michael Shafto, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
     Simon Taylor, Brunel University, United Kingdom
     Noam Tractinsky, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
     Adelinde Uhrmacher, University of Rostock, Germany
     Hans Vangheluwe, McGill University, Canada
     Paul Vickers, Northumbria University, United Kingdom
     Ben Watson, Northwestern University, USA
     Michael Zyda, MOVES Institute, USA

Sponsored by The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
P.O. Box 17900
San Diego, California 92177
Phone 858-277-3888
Fax 858-277-3930
E-mail scs@scs.org

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