[Fis] Quantum Interaction Symposium

[Fis] Quantum Interaction Symposium

From: Michael Leyton <mleyton@dimacs.rutgers.edu>
Date: Thu 07 Sep 2006 - 20:48:27 CEST

We are opening the call-for-papers on

the following AAAI Symposium:

Michael Leyton




as part of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2007) spring symposia series held at Stanford University, March 26-28, 2007.


Quantum Mechanics (QM) is emerging from physics into non-quantum domains such as human language, cognition, information retrieval, biology, political science, organizations, and social interaction.


The goal of this symposium is to bring together researchers working in these areas for the first time using artificial intelligence (AI) as a background theme. For example, whether a QM approach to AI can be supported by field results in a specific content area; e.g., non-monotonic reasoning (NMR), or organizational decision-making.



The symposium will present research dealing with the use of concepts taken from the general body of research in quantum mechanics on the physical, epistemological, mathematical or philosophical levels and applied to modelling and better understanding phenomena in social, political, linguistic, cognitive, mathematical and computer sciences.





Papers should also address one or more content areas by specifying the relevance to AI or how AI may be used to solve a specific content area (especially prized will be those papers with a plan to craft quantum agents, systems or robots with methods that merge AI and QM in addressing these topics):


. Language

. Cognition and Brain (attention, pauses)

. Information retrieval

. Biology (e.g., neural or mental processing; biology systems)

. Political Science

. Illusions (bistable visual, auditory or other dual perceptual phenomena)

. Entertainment (e.g., the relationship between consciousness and the mental phenomenon of media to entrain human observers)

. Social Interaction

. Quantum agents; quantum multi-agent systems; quantum robots.

. Organizations ( including corporations; also processes such as mergers; and end results such as culture, ethnicity, etc.)

. Other (possible topics: complex systems; traffic congestion, environmental disasters; and environmental contamination cleanup decisions; creativity; social power)




Potential participants are invited to submit either a full paper (up to EIGHT pages), or a position paper (up to FOUR pages) outlining their relevant research activities and how they would like to contribute to the symposium. Submissions will be judged by at least two referees on technical merit and on potential to provoke active discussions.


Submissions, in PDF format, should be sent no later than 6 October 2006 to p.bruza@qut.edu.au using the subject line "QI-2007 Submission".

In the email you should specify if you intend it to be a LONG or POSITION paper.

All submissions should conform to the AAAI style format.

Typesetting instructions can be found at: http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/formatting-instructions.pdf



The organizers are planning to have a number of accepted papers expanded into an edited volume, the first in this area.


Further notes for authors can be located at : http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/author.php


Up-to date information on the symposium can be found at:






Oct 06, 2006: Submissions due.


Nov 03, 2006: Acceptance/rejection notices are mailed out.


Dec 01, 2006: Graduate student travel grant application due.


Jan 15, 2007: Acceptance/rejection notices for student travel mailed out.


Jan 26,2007: Fax "Permission to Distribute" and A/V requests to +1 650-321-4457.


Jan 26, 2007: Submit camera-ready versions via the AAAI web site.


Feb 09, 2007: Registration deadline.


Mar 26, 2007: Start of the symposium.


Mar 28,2007: End of the symposium.




Peter Bruza, Queensland University of Technology, Australia (p.bruza@qut.edu.au)

William Lawless, Paine College, USA (lawlessw@mail.paine.edu)

C. J. (Keith) van Rijsbergen, University of Glasgow, UK (keith@dcs.gla.ac.uk )

Don Sofge, Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence (don.sofge@nrl.navy.mil)



Programme Committee


Badredine Arfi (University of Florida)

Jerome Busemeyer (Indiana University)

Teresa Castelao (Grand Valley State University)

Laurent Chaudron (ONERA-CERT)

Bob Coeke (Oxford University)

Kurt Engesser (University of Konstanz)

Liane Gabora (University of British Columbia)

Andre Khrennikov (V�xj� University)

Michael Leyton (Rutgers University)

Jorge Louca (ISCTE)

Shimon Malin (Colgate University)

Massimo Melluci (University of Padua)

Stephen Pullman (Oxford University)

Ian Turner (Queensland University of Technology)

Dominic Widdows (Maya Corp.)

Alexander Wilce (Susquehanna University)

John Woods (University of British Columbia)

fis mailing list
Received on Thu Sep 7 20:51:03 2006

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