[Fis] new course

[Fis] new course

From: Pedro Marijuan <marijuan@unizar.es>
Date: Fri 08 Sep 2006 - 16:51:54 CEST

Dear FISers,

We are going to resume activities in the list very soon. The chairs of the
quantum information session will publish their "concluding comments" during
next days --meaning, as usual, some extra rounds on the topic-- and then,
we will keep some extra weeks of unfocused exchanges --we have had too many
sessions in a row, and having some more spare time seems convenient.

Quite probably the next session will deal with "social complexity" (its
origins, development, networking dynamics, economic & ecologic basis...);
further ideas and suggestions are welcome, either in the list or privately.
Several dozen people have entered in the list during the last year, and we
are more than 160 subscribers now. It would be nice if, during the
unfocused exchanges, they introduce themselves and post about their views
and interests (of course, the two postings per week continue its supreme
ruling in the list).

best wishes for the new course,


fis mailing list
Received on Fri Sep 8 16:44:24 2006

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