[Fis] General Question

[Fis] General Question

From: Richard Emery <rmemery@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue 07 Mar 2006 - 18:45:01 CET

Hello, FISers I have general comment.

I read almost every post on this forum, and I admire the quality of
these contributions. (Pedro runs a fine shop!). I�d contribute more
if I actually had something important to say that hasn�t already been
said. However, something continues to bug me about what exactly
�information� is, what it means exactly to living systems, and how
exactly to interpret it.

Last year�s exquisite fight that broke out over the various
definitions of information was a feast to my eyes. But it also left
me confused. One thing that bothered me was the lack of emphasis on
differences between analog and digital information, such as that
embodied in a protein verses that encoded in a gene.

With this in mind, along with numerous other concerns about exactly
how to define �information,� I am wondering if anyone here has
attempted to build a taxonomic key to the �species of information.�
I think we need some kind of a classification system. Ideally, it
would be a dichotomous key that would differentiate hierarchically
among �domains,� �kingdoms,� �phyla,� �classes,� �orders,� etc. of
information. (And hierarchy does seem to be a favored paradigm here
on this forum). This key would effectively become a cladistic tool,
requiring a formalized approach to the problem of defining information.

Is such notion of "informational systematics" reasonable? The FIS
archives left behind from the �Information War of 2005� should be
very rich in concepts useful for developing such a taxonomic key. I
am not well-enough informed about the particulars of information to
build this key, and few of us have the time to devote to it. But
perhaps one of our graduate students would like to take this on. A
thesis title might be something like �A hierarchical system for
classifying the relative and specific meanings of information.�
Could be fun project, and useful.

My best to all, Richard Emery

fis mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 7 18:39:38 2006

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