[Fis] Non Local "knowledge."

From: <jlrchand@erols.com>
Date: Mon 12 Jan 2004 - 17:50:20 CET


Your assertion that:

>Insofar as knowledge "is", it has to be locally. The global
>dimension of knowledge remains an expectation.

is not consistent with the basic principles of chemical structures.

A molecule knows itself by virtual of sharing information across the
network of connections that join the atoms together.

This is fundamentally a synergic relationship which shares knowledges
within itself.

I am surprised by the definiteness of the "is" assertion. It reminds
me of your assertions about your religious values. I am puzzled by
the source of the putative ontologies you are proposing and how they
might relate to emergence of life and the emergence of learned
systems. Why the rush to premature closure?


Received on Mon Jan 12 17:42:55 2004

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