Re: [Fis] defining information

Re: [Fis] defining information

From: Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic <>
Date: Sun 08 Jan 2006 - 22:03:30 CET

 Dear Vladimir, dear FIS colleagues,

Vladimir says:
>so I am inclined to define "information" in algorithmic terms.
> maybe something like *
> "the entity that a turing machine sequentially manipulates"**.*

The suggested identity of computation and Turing machine sounds to me as
unjustifiable simplification,
if what we think by "computation" is allowed to encompass natural

Please have a look at the following book by Hava Siegelmann:
Neural Networks and Analog Computation: Beyond the Turing Limit

Also a very instructive is book by Mark Burgin:
Super-Recursive Algorithms,,4-148-22-17628293-0,00.html

With best wishes,
Gordana wrote:

>hi all this is my 1st msg to the list.
>in msg #2146 HCVB proposes defining a new science
>of information. an exciting idea.
>I just bought HCVBs book "info" in softcover & am advancing
>thru it. (much more motivation now that Ive discovered the FIS
>my own direction into this line of inquiry comes from
>algorithmic theory. computer science. (I work in industry, java
>engr, something of an academic wannabe.)
>so I am inclined to
>define "information" in algorithmic terms. maybe something
>like "the entity that a turing machine sequentially manipulates".
>but Im still working on it.
>I notice there is some related material on this web site on
>"ecological economics & information". I have some related ideas
>on this in an online 62 page paper called "fractional reserve banking
>as economic parasitism", downloadable here in pdf form:
>fis mailing list

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Received on Sun Jan 8 22:08:59 2006

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