---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 15:17:45 -0500 (EST)
From: Peter Erdi <perdi@kzoo.edu>
To: Erkki Oja <oja@james.hut.fi>
Cc: bert@snn.kun.nl, perso@di.unipi.it, georg@ai.univie.ac.at,
jose.dorronsoro@iic.uam.es, duch@phys.uni.torun.pl,
john.g.taylor@kcl.ac.uk, olli.simula@hut.fi, lars.niklasson@ida.his.se,
Patrick.Gallinari@lip6.fr, erkki.oja@hut.fi,
H. Mallot <hanspeter.mallot@uni-tuebingen.de>,
franco@ulisse.cib.na.cnr.it, avilla@neuroheuristic.org,
jakab@philosophy.rutgers.edu, bernat_kocsis@hms.harvard.edu,
cfoldy@uci.edu, kpz@ecs.soton.ac.uk, geos@etf.ukim.edu.mk, gk@hps.elte.hu,
kszalis@aix1.uottawa.ca, piuri@elet.polimi.it,
Peter.Andras@newcastle.ac.uk, laszloz@andromeda.rutgers.edu, zilli@bu.edu,
jtoth@math.bme.hu, a.browne@eim.surrey.ac.uk, fis@listas.unizar.es,
complex-science@necsi.org, connectionists@cs.cmu.edu,
comp-neuro@neuroinf.org, b.graham@cs.stir.ac.uk, jozsef.lazar@bienvenue.hu,
Subject: Call: IJCNN 2004 - Special Sessions organized by the ENNS
Call for organizing Special Sessions by the ENNS for the IJCNN'04
25-28 July 2004, Budapest, Hungary
The annual International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), is
one of the premier international conferences in the field. European Neural
Network Society (ENNS) will organize six special sessions.
This is an open CALL for organizing Sepcial Sessions for the IJCNN meeting
supported by the ENNS.
Each proposal should be motivated with 10 lines and should contain 4-6
papers. Each paper should have a title, authors (with email address) and
10 line abstract and a commitment from the authors.
The deadline of the application is December 1. Applications should be sent
by email to perdi@kzoo.edu. Acceptance/rejection info will be provided by
December 20th. (Of course
authors whose special session is not accepted, can send in their
contribution as a submitted paper.)
All authors of accepted special sessions are requested to submit
their paper by January 29th with the same system as submitted papers but
under the heading of special sessions.
(see http://www.conferences.hu/budapest2004/ )
The acceptance to special sessions does not have any financial
consequnces. ENNS has policiy to support young members of the ENNS. (see
http://www.snn.kun.nl/enns/) Travel grantst for a number of students
presenting papers at IJCNN will be available. Preference are given to
those participents, who will make presentations on the Special Sessions
organized by the ENNS.
P�ter �rdi
program Co-Chair
fis mailing list
Received on Thu Nov 13 22:03:35 2003
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