Dear colleagues, friends and congeners,
Forgive me, at least for a short while, that I take the liberty of
assuming that all of us may and even must be aware about the causal
evolvement of the so-called «WORLD ORDER», which has become the main
feature of the civilized civilization during the last century, until
today. This «ORDER» has been determined for being a rational
arrangement of rights and duties of nations, attained usually through
different kinds of warfare, which were decorated from time to time by
armistices, arbitration, treaties,... accomplished by means of only
few times real negotiations, though always loudly announced as
diplomatic transactions.
In fact this «ORDER» has been always, until 2003, what the Big
Brothers democratically suggest and compulsorily propose to the small
ones, who are forcibly invited to cooperate for the sake of human
progress. It aims at determining what the geographical borders and
economic boundaries of every nation should be and even how their
respective citizenry should determine their individual interests,
motivations and possibilities in order to contribute collectively to
functionally maintain the «WORLD ORDER».
I dare to argue that the better knowledge of how this ordering has
arisen and evolved and how it has been implemented may today help any
human to determine whether he or she accepts happily or resignedly or
even stoically to adapt his or her personal behavior to options
offered. One dramatic example of such a kind of adaptable behavior
was the set of actions carried out by those about to die in the
gladiatorial circus arenas who still managed to say "Ave Caesar,
morituri te salutant !". Immensely more dramatic, tragic in fact, is
the situation at present of people of Iraq who will search how to
survive after being liberated by means of ultra modern bombing,
democratically oriented for Peace sake.
Instead of learning to play a passive role this ordering may
encourage non-malleable humans to be reliable rebels willing to act
as revolutionary dissidents for searching a feasible way forward for
humankind. To build such an unknown way, from now onward, is a very
complex task that cannot be accomplished by national and
international insurgents who were assuming that one or another of the
various ideologies available would be suitable enough as a conducting
The rebellion of conscious insurgents against the intended «WORLD
ORDER» that has been conceived during the last decades has become
urgently necessary, hopefully inevitable, due to the assumption that
it has become indispensable the World Government cleverly devised and
rationally designed by the Biggest Brother of the world citizenry.
Such a rebellion may be considered de facto the real challenge for
the scientific and academic community in the Third millennium that
might finish with only those few humans who could survive the
man-made apocalypse (I am convinced that few women have effectively
contribute to make it feasible). Science, technology and education
developed according to possibilities offered by the self-organized
OPEN SYSTEM conditioned by ethical, ethological, biological and
ecological criteria in the domain of every human concern may still be
the way of increasing the survival chances of Homo sapiens sapiens by
means of humanitarian procedures, rationally implemented.
This rebellion indispensably needs the holistic comprehension of the
crisis generated by the same ordering of human concerns. It is an
enormous task whose complexity requires the participation of all the
members of the scientific and academic community (being excluded
those engaged in making more weapons for massive annihilation) in
interdisciplinary endeavors through the Systems Thinking proposed by
Ludwig von Bertalanffy as a Top Ë Down approach.
Anyhow, I dare to ask your permission to send you some short messages
about the «WORLD ORDER» that so far has become the main source of the
most serious crisis ever faced by humankind.
Received on Tue Apr 8 10:43:14 2003
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