RE: opinions vs knowledge - The Cave is Constructed

From: Ted Goranson <>
Date: Fri 06 Sep 2002 - 22:42:38 CEST

>>As for the truth being rational, I believe that our world does
>>operate logically rather than randomly.

>The fraction of living happenstances in 'our world' that can finally
>be put into a formal, logical scheme is astonishingly small.
>Including the sciences themselves (not to speak about the economy
>and our social life).

>>No, I'll disagree. I don't think that our world is 'put into' a
>>formal logical scheme. I think that it exists and operates, within
>>itself, within a logical set of interactions.

Here we have the most basic characterization of the FIS problem from
my perspective. I firmly believe, with Pedro, that the problem is
that the world is not at all logical. I presume, but am not sure he
would go as far as me in believing that logic is an imperfect human
invention. I wonder what the FIS agenda is thought to be by anyone
who assumes logic is somehow embedded in the mechanics of the

Our old, flawed notion of information is conflated with notions of
"truth" and "facts." Our new notion (who knows?) may best be
characterized by notions of effect (and cause, leading to issues of
time). I thought that's what we were struggling with.

Note, this is not by way of my "voting" for irrelevant political
statements on this list, nor refutations.

  Best, Ted

Ted Goranson
Advanced Enterprise Research Office
Received on Fri Sep 6 22:43:08 2002

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