[Fis] Question to John Collier : Reality of Information World?!!!

[Fis] Question to John Collier : Reality of Information World?!!!

From: Andrei Khrennikov <Andrei.Khrennikov@vxu.se>
Date: Wed 12 Jul 2006 - 22:53:34 CEST

> > Dear John!
I do not send this Email directly to the list, because I am not an
sure... But it would be interesting your opinion. Why we cannot
conside information world as realistic as material? Why is only matter
material? In physics we consider not only particles, but also
fields. Fields are not less real than particles. Moreover, since
Quantum Field Theory is considered as more fundamnetal than QM, fields
and not particles are fundamental objects. Fields are not local, they
are distributed in space and time. But there is no reason to think
that the whole reality is related just to one special model of space-
time, that we call physical space time. WE can consider information
spaces (which could have a very different mathematical structure) and
information fields. They are not less real than physical fields.
It would be natural to suppose that there are information laws of
nature which are not less real than physical laws. Our role is
minimal - interaction with information fields and the latter are real.
> > With Best REgards, Andrei Khrennikov

Reply of John:
> > That is basically the position that I advocate. I go a step
further, however, and argue that physical causation (dynamics) can be
understood in information terms. Since I also believe that only what
is dynamical can be of any consequence, then I am really advocating an
information world, in which reality can be understood as (am inclined
to say are) information structures. On this account, our internal
information space and the rest of the world are of the same basic
kind, and are continuous with each other. There is more to the story,
complications like meaning,
emergence, function, and so on, but I have been working on these.
There is a paper on my web site,
Causation is the Transfer of Information (1999)
 that lays out the basic ideas. More is in
Complexly Organised Dynamical Systems with C.A. Hooker (1999)
and other papers. The approach is very radical, so it needs a lot of
> > We are currently working on two books on the topic.
> > John
> Dear John,
>Can I now send our discussion to the list? It seems that my view is
not so crazy. I also published a few papers and book on this:
Khrennikov A.Yu., Information dynamics in cognitive,
>psychological, social, and anomalous phenomena. Kluwer, Dordreht,2004
Khrennikov A.Yu., Classical and quantum mechanics on information spaces
with applications to cognitive, psychological,
social and anomalous phenomena. Found. of Physics, 29, N. 7, 1065-
1098, 1999.

>All the best, Andrei

fis mailing list
Received on Wed Jul 12 22:56:28 2006

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