Dear Koichiro,
Thanks a lot for the very elegant 'primer'. For my taste, in a couple of
paragraphs (below), you have encapsulated the whole fis mission. My
question (unfortunately have had no time to read carefully John's and
Andrei's yet, what I promise to do this weekend) is about the extent to
which, in your opinion, we are advancing towards the collective synthesis.
Ted was openly optimistic weeks ago... Personally I think that in between
'Darwin' and 'Adam Smith' principles (fitness and utility) we are still
missing a central arch for the theoretical info bridge. Curiously Ramón y
Cajal attempted a principle of 'brain bookeeping economy' 100 years ago,
but has received little attention). Your posting strongly reminds me on
that missing arch... (it reminds Leyton's neurodynamics and
neurosymmetries too)
>bookkeeping between supplier and consumer is the sole means for tailoring
>such an exquisite and unbelievable invisible hand. Adam Smith must have
>anticipated what the 21st century would be going to accomplish in the name
>of information.
>Information at the turn of the 21st century seems to be a thread
>connecting physics, chemistry, biology and even economics. A common
>denominator is serious negotiation between supplier and consumer.
Pedro C. Marijuán
Fundación CIRCE
CPS Univ. Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain
TEL. (34) 976 762036-761863, FAX (34) 976 732078
Received on Tue May 7 15:29:15 2002
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