[Fis] "The fiction of function".[Fis] "The fiction of function".
From: Jerry LR Chandler <Jerry.LR.Chandler@Cox.net>
Date: Fri 07 Oct 2005 - 07:00:27 CEST
Dear Igor:
The assertions in your post are very, very provocative.
Science and information theory have generated a number of symbol
At times, one symbol system expresses certain concepts more
One must be aware that the objects of biology - the cellular parts
By exist, I mean an intimate association between the concept of
From the vantage point of these philosophical generalities, I
> From: Igor Rojdestvenski
Chemical networks are not physical networks. This is well known.
> I may seem boringly formal, but as long as we do definitions here,
In the absence of a formal theory of chemistry, I do not know how we
> There are no metabolic networks in the Nature, but pools of
Metabolic networks are integrated over evolutionary time spans. The
> Really physical is a molecule and interactions between the molecules.
I do not know the meaning of this sentence. Physical philosophy is
The unity of life is not merely a local phenomenon, but comparable
I believe that one can accept the power of physical methods and
> It is like in the world of Feynman diagrammes some diagrammes are
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