Dear Pedro
To "make sense of" I think is the key word - but also the thing we do not understand very well. the particular historical unique circumstances are surely decisive for selecting the survival of a new structure or selforganizing system. But as soon as we de
al with living systems the strange concept of 'meaning' and 'sense' or 'signification' becomes important. this is partly driven by the social communicative aspect but this has as a prerequisite the individual phenomenological world og feeling, think and w
illing which we have so much difficulty to make 'laws' for. Further Popper denies the existence of deterministc historical laws.
Now as I see it 'information' - as it is used in information science - has nothing to do with meaning and sense or signification , which is based in semiotic theories of cognition and communication in living systems. In general we have problems of using t
he mechanical law-concept in life sciences.
If we are going to speal about 'infor-laws' I think that they would be non-deterministic and on basis of what Peirce calls 'Firstness' ,which is the potential field of feeeling and qualia. Peirce talks of 'habits' and speaks of statistical tendencies.
On the basis of evolutionary and ecological thinking using selection theory going into socio-communication on a basis of meaning we might be able to do something. This is what some of Niklas Luhmann's work is about, where he operates with biological, psyc
hological and social systems autopoiesis (may be it is better to talk of organisational closure as Varela and Mingers suggests). Luhmann work with information and meaning as two different concepts.
The part of his huge work I have read and understood I think there are many valuable things, but also that his meaning concept is insufficiant founded and that his understanding - at least of Peirce's - semiotics is not sufficient. So future work should
try to integrate the progresses he has made.
Best wishes
Soeren Brier
>>> Pedro C. Marijuan <> 13-11-98 13.31 >>>
Dear FISers
Some aspects of Gottfried and Soeren's comments on selforganization can be
discussed together with Bob's last message. My private contention with
selforganization and with complexity relates to the lack of consideration
by these two trends (or just only one?) towards the special "fluid"
structural properties of life in its cellular, organismic, social realms.
Central to this fluidity is the coupling between the engines of
self-production (OK, more or less close to selforgan., except the
"sequence" assumption), and the engines of self-degradation (unknown for views).
The "fluid" living structure appears as the net result of both types of
processes, adaptively coupled. For instance, protein synthesis / protein
degradation. Cell-cycle / cell-apoptosis. Synapsis growth / synapsis
disappearance. Companies creation / companies destruction.... And the role
of the communicational processes or info phenomena would consist on
governing the mutual coupling of both productive and destructive "engines",
providing their adaptive internal/external control, and an impressive
organizational freedom in every realm.
Why does the US economy create every year 1.000.000 new companies, and of
these only 100.000 or 150.000 will survive more than one year? Why protein
synthesis works more or less the same? Why apoptosis, etc.? And why power
laws emerge in all these fields? This more or less can lead to introduce
some notion of "relevance", as the info impact of an item on the underlying
"fluid" strutures--altering their productive-degradative balance of
processes by way of the infostructures surrounding both...
And here it seeems that Bob«s emphasis on VEMS can (partially) be
reconsidered. For social complexity becomes affected particularly by a FEW
items, of rather heterogenous nature, but RELEVANT to the social fluid
structures, and not generically by any external-internal event or
orverarching social entropy law (perhaps I am wrong here). It is the story
COMPUTERS... that touch the very "info heart" of societies and build up the
royal road to complexity. Paying attention to the fact that societies can
also go backwards (plenty of historical cases, even nowadays: Russia)
If the above could be articulated into a coherent discourse, implying new
conceptions and background on the nature of information, and far away from
its present intuitive rough and unarticulated form, perhaps a strong thesis
could be discussed. With only the present complexity stuff, I am afraid we
cannot. Complexity is finally unable to make sense of "relevance" --why
books historically lead to Renais-sance, and why computers are producing
the present Chaos-sance...
Pedro C. Marijuan. TEL 34 976 761927, FAX --761861 and -- 762111
Dept. Ingen. Electronica y Comunicaciones, CPS Universidad de Zaragoza,
Maria de Luna 3, Zaragoza 50015, SPAIN
Received on Wed Nov 18 09:29:18 1998
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